Like her Name was;
Laura - means The most caring, loyal and trustworthy person you will ever meet, the best friend you could ever have! She is shy with people she doesn't know, but is really a super crazy, hyper and happy person. Is usually positive, but some things can bring her down. Everyone loves her, and if they don't they are probably just jealous of her. If your sad, she will always cheer you up by being crazy, and her laugh makes you laugh.

Busingye - means peace and that's who Laura was. Very peaceful.

Praise - this was all the praise she gave everyone else that came her way.

I met Laura in 2004 in our primary seven vacation. I can't remember the month but it was though mutual friend of ours. My first impression of her was that she was such a quiet, simple, meek and modest person.

She really spoke less and was instead interested in listening and getting to know this new person more.
We met more often and used to hang together as small innocent vacists that were looking forward to joining high school. There was really not much to share save for playing together and fantasising about high school.

Our results came out the following year and we were so fortunate to join the same school. Unfortunately our friend joined a different school but we were still in touch with her.

Laura and I having joined the same school opened doors for a  great and significant bond. We were given the same room (Room 5-fireworks) at school.
Laura and I got close and Shared so much together right from grab, to clothes, to books, to church, to family and so much more.

Laura and I were so different in character and I wouldn't even rely on the fact that we were similar and that's what brought us together. No!!.We were so different.
Whereas she was so quiet, humble and to herself. I was so talkative, active and very outgoing. For me Laura's character warmed my heart and drew me closer to her. I admired who she was. The young lady was braced with tranquility, embossed with humilty,graced with peace and was down to earth. She was made of so much that I had never seen before. She full of colour.

Well, at some point Laura and I parted and joined different institutions, but this wasn't the end of our friendship and sisterhood. She still looked out for me. We wrote mail and still visited each other on holiday. We got done with high school and happened to join the same university. How delighted we were.
We were doing different courses though and somehow there was a bit of a stretch. We never met as often but her place was still the same in my heart.

Unfortunately, Laura fell sick and this could have been the end of her. Well, I didn't think so because even as she got sick, Laura was still a blaze and full of life but this was just who she was. She braved through and gave us all this hope and yet her life was dropping to naught.

On the 1st day of September 2014. This Angel departed from this world. She was called to heaven to meet her Father and live in eternity where I believe she is even more peaceful.

I am reminded of her Mommy's words;
"Laura was a rose, she was an Angel that God also needed in heaven, this world was not a safe place for someone like her and did not deserve to be here..."

Laura was truly an Angel, one sent on earth by the Father in heaven. With her came a lot of peace and lightheartedness. Frim her I was taught to be selfless and humble in all ways.
She never exhibited emotions at any one point even when she got so angry, she simply mentioned in glassy, smooth and serene tone. "Rachel,  I am not happy with you or with something you did".that was Laura!

Laura was a Listener and a counsellor. She never had much of experience but she knew how to guide and counsel those that were facing hardships.

Laura loved acting and she did this whole heartedly. She was a gifted Girl and always got rewarded for this.
Above all this,Laura was a lover of God. Laura treasured her creater and had and relationship with him. In one of the conversation I had with her on her hospital bed, she mentioned to me that I didn't have to worry and that God was in control. Even when everyone seemed to be freaked out,she was confident her God was with her. True Faith.

Laura departed from this world way too young, I personally have no regrets and know that you you lived your life to the maximum. Your LEGACY REIGNS LIKE LIKE A FIRE THAT WILL NEVER GO DOWN.

There days when I wake up and just want to hear from you or speak to you. I even go ahead to speak some times until I realise that you are no more and all i am left to do is celebrate you through and through.
You were a best friend that never was. you are deeply missed. I don't question God  for taking you away but i thank him for giving me a chance to have met uou and been apart of your life.
Rest well my dear friend.

Be sure for your heritage to be carried on.i remember very well what you asked Me to do on your last Birthday and  I will when the time comes.


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